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How Do I Get Off the Donor List?

Sadly, this may not be enough.

First, go to your local Department of Motor Vehicles and remove your consent to donate from your driver’s license. Remove any consent to donate from your healthcare power of attorney and living will.



The 2006 update to the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA) mandates that individuals who refuse to donate must explicitly state so. According to the Organ Donation Alliance:


"If family is not 'reasonably available', that is to say, able to be contacted by an organ procurement organization without undue effort and willing and capable to act in a timely manner consistent with existing medical criteria necessary for making an anatomical gift, and there is no documented evidence of the decedent's choice not to donate; the administrator of the hospital 'shall make an anatomical gift of the decedent's body or part.'" (UAGA C.26.6-85)


 The website provides the Downloadable Wallet Cardlike the one below, and a Life-affirming Medical Power of Attorney that you may use to legally protect yourself.


In addition, we recommend you alert your physician to your wishes and have your refusal to be an organ donor recorded in your electronic medical record.


donor refusal card.JPG
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